Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Free Credit Report - Finding the Best Service Online

The average USA score is 680 what's yours?

08.24.2009 – Finding out your credit report can now be possible online. With an instant credit check taking only a few minutes to complete its the fastest way to find out your score. Your credit report is important for a whole range of purposes and is taken into consideration by any lender. This would normally be for credit cards, loans and finance etc

Your credit report is the result of many past financial factors, its worked out by previously loaned amounts as well as past repayment history. However, a low score does not always mean you have bad debt, a young person or someone who may of never borrowed could possibly experience problems borrowing money.

Finding the best report service

Until recently it was much harder to gain access to your credit report. Now with the progression of the internet more people are switching to an online credit report service to gain a free report. There are a number of services, its important to choose the most reliable and trust worthy service like FreeCreditReport360 is considered the best online USA reporting services because:

- Its Free
- Fast (only 11 fields to complete against 40)
- No complicated questions or social security number

You can perform your credit check now here.

Once you have performed the credit check you will be given all three main reports instantly, you will then be able to decide whether or not you need to take steps to improve it. The average USA score is around 680, most people do not know their current score, this could give problems when wanting to borrow money. With FreeCreditReport360 all factors will be explained, for example if you have a specific weakness in your score this would be stated where and what you can do about it.

If you have a particularly low score there are things you can do to improve it, getting certain bank accounts can help as well as store cards, mobile phone contracts or special APR cards which maybe slightly higher. Paying these off fully will build up critical points on your credit report. There are also special debt repair kits available too.


A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Free Credit Report - Finding the Best Service Online

08.24.2009 – Finding out your credit report can now be possible online. With an instant credit check taking only a few minutes to complete its the fastest way to find out your score. Your credit report is important for a whole range of purposes and is taken into consideration by any lender. This would normally be for credit cards, loans and finance etc

Your credit report is the result of many past financial factors, its worked out by previously loaned amounts as well as past repayment history. However, a low score does not always mean you have bad debt, a young person or someone who may of never borrowed could possibly experience problems borrowing money.

Finding the best report service

Until recently it was much harder to gain access to your credit report. Now with the progression of the internet more people are switching to an online credit report service to gain a free report.


A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fast Credit Repair 101

There is an old saying that banks only lend to those that already have money. Over the past decade that saying has not always been true. Unfortunately for many people, they have more debt than they can pay for. If you are one of the many that is seeing your debt increase while your credit rating decreases, then you are probably also looking for some fast credit repair tips to help your credit history.

A good credit score is important because it allows you to borrow money when you need to and it helps determine the interests rate you will be charged. The higher your credit score the better chance you will have to get a loan for a new home or car. It will also help you pay less interest by getting you a lower rate. One of the best credit repair tips is to maintain your good credit score when you have one.

You can check your credit score by getting a copy of your credit history. There are three services that maintain credit histories; Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. By law you are allowed to request one free copy of your credit history from each service per year. That gives you three credit reports each year to check your credit rating and history. You should spread your requests out through out the year so you can stay on top of what is on your credit report.

Here are some credit repair tips to help you maintain or repair your credit rating:

- The most important tip is to know what is on your credit report. Periodically through out the year, request from one of the credit report services for a copy of your credit report. This report will show your credit score and the history that the score was determined from.

- If there is any incorrect information on your credit history, then address that with either the creditor or credit report source you got the report from. This incorrect information is probably lowering your credit score. Some things to look out for that may be incorrect are:

o Closed accounts that are listed as still being open
o Items older than 7 years that should have already gone off the report. Note: bankruptcy stays on up to 10 years.
o Make sure your credit limits are correct. If they are listed lower than they truly are and you have a balance on that debt, then it will lower your credit score.

- Get current on any past due accounts.

- If you find yourself facing a problem where you will miss a payment; contact the creditor immediately and try to work something out with them.

- Make payments on time and before they are due if possible. This will help lower your debt versus your credit limit and that will improve your credit score.

- Pay off credit cards.

Avoid the credit repair companies you see those advertisements for. Most of them are scams. They will make you promises of clearing up your credit scores, take your money and then not do what they promised. Your credit score will still be just as low and you will be out more money.

One of the most important things to think about if you are trying to repair your credit score is to first realize why your score is what it is. You must face what made you get in the position you are in so that you can make changes to keep from getting in the same position again once you have increased your credit score.

The last thing to remember if you are trying to improve your credit score is that there is no real super fast credit repair magic. The tips listed above will all improve your credit score and some faster than others. Repairing your credit score will take some time. By implementing these tips you should start seeing improvements in your credit score in just a matter of months. It could take several years to really improve your score. It can be done though.


A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.

How to fix your broken credit: 7 steps to rebuild your score after bankruptcy


The Federal Trade Commission: alerts consumers about what to look out for when considering a credit-repair service. Check under Credit and Loans on the FTC's Web site at

Washington state's Attorney General's Office also post consumer information at

Filing for bankruptcy is not a decision most people take lightly, especially because it affects access to new credit, home loans and even employment opportunities, not to mention the emotional impact filing for bankruptcy can have.

Bankruptcies can remain on your credit report for up to 10 years and can decimate your credit score by hundreds of points. But by adopting these strategies, you could boost your credit score and become creditworthy several years before the bankruptcy drops off your credit report.

1. Take a reality check

Rebuilding your credit score after a bankruptcy is far from being pain-free. It entails making an honest assessment of the reasons you filed in the first place then taking action to establish positive lines of credit.

People claim bankruptcy for a number of reasons. Job loss, serious illness and relying too much on credit all rank high.

Regardless of the reason you wind up filing for bankruptcy, if you don't do a thorough self-assessment of what went wrong, you could end up repeating the behavior that got you into trouble — especially if it was financial mismanagement.

"Filing bankruptcy is supposed to be a fresh start," says Stephen Snyder, credit expert and author of "Credit After Bankruptcy."

"To take advantage of the fresh start, you need to say, 'OK, I overextended myself. I bought a Mercedes when I should have bought a Ford. My lifestyle was out of proportion. I need to scale back and live within my means.' "

Although there's not much you can do when an unexpected illness or job loss drains your finances, certain voluntary spending habits should be avoided.

Compulsive behaviors that involve wagering sometimes get people into trouble and can precipitate a bankruptcy.

"When I ask people what got you into this problem and they say 'gambling' and they live in Las Vegas, I tell them, 'You need to move somewhere else. Because it's just a matter of time that you're back in the same place,' " Snyder says.

Similarly, the serial entrepreneur, who, despite repeated failure, insists on managing his own business to the detriment of his financial well-being, should probably assess the alternatives.

That individual, Snyder says, would probably do well to "consider getting a regular full-time job."

"If they don't fix that [source of financial problems], it's just going to be a vicious circle that's going to get worse and worse and worse."

2. Check your credit reports

After a bankruptcy discharge, make sure your credit report is accurate. After all, your goal is to boost your credit score quickly, and inaccurate information will only prolong the time it takes to score high enough for conventional credit.

"Make sure that lenders are no longer updating your account every month, making it appear as though the delinquency just happened last month," says Ethan Dornhelm, principal scientist at FICO Scoring Solutions Division.

Debts that were discharged through bankruptcy should be accurately reported along with "good items," including accounts that were "paid as agreed" and any other accounts that you continue to pay on time that were not discharged in the bankruptcy.

For example, you typically cannot discharge federal student loans in bankruptcy.

Get a copy of your credit report and make sure everything is accurate. You are entitled to one free credit report every 12 months from each of the three national credit bureaus.

You can get them all at once, or better yet, stagger them every four months so you can your report more frequently.

"If it's not accurate, consumers have to contact the credit bureaus themselves and the bureau in turn investigates and contacts the creditor," Dornhelm says.

Credit bureaus generally have 30 to 45 days to investigate your claim.

You can request a free copy of your credit report at or by contacting Equifax, Experian and TransUnion directly.

3. Obtain a secured credit card

"After you go through any kind of major negative [financial] event, the most important thing is to get back on the horse and not just abandon the credit system entirely," says personal-finance expert Emily Peters of

One of the most effective ways to boost your credit score after bankruptcy is to obtain a secured credit card, she says.

Secured cards are credit cards secured by a deposit account (usually a savings account) owned by the cardholder.

The credit line is typically based on the amount deposited into the account. Deposits range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on the card.

Bank of America and Wells Fargo, for example, accept deposits from $300 to $10,000.

Here are some key features to look for in a secured credit card:

• Understand eligibility requirements. Some card issuers may not give you a card if your bankruptcy is too recent.

• Look for low annual fees, reasonable interest rates and reasonable service charges.

• Make sure the card reports to at least one of the three major credit bureaus. A card that reports to all three is better.

• Deposits should be FDIC-insured.

Consumers should also be wary of unsecured credit-card offers that come in the mail. Many of those are likely to have unfavorable terms and may not help boost your credit score in the long term.

"Those cards were designed for people with bad credit to remain in very low-credit-limit situations for a long period of time at a high interest rate," says Stephen Snyder, author of "Credit After Bankruptcy."

With a positive payment history and no other negative credit blemishes, you could graduate to an unsecured credit card in a few years, according to Snyder.

4. Get an auto loan

Getting a post-bankruptcy auto loan without an exorbitant interest rate can be tricky, but if you've been repaying your credit accounts on time and keeping your overall utilization ratio low, experts say it's possible to rebuild your credit score to a respectable level within two or three years.

Auto loans are a logical next step toward rebuilding your credit because the loan is secured by the car, and lately, some auto lenders are more willing to give loans to people with less than perfect scores, Peters says.

But consumers still need to be as wary about auto-loan terms as they are with credit-card terms because it doesn't necessarily mean you'll be getting a great deal. Be sure to shop around.

5. Bide your time

Generally, the more time that has elapsed since your bankruptcy discharge and the faster you establish a positive payment history, the quicker your credit score will start inching out of the basement.

6. Mix it up with multiple credit lines

Having more than one type of credit line will help boost your credit score.

"You want to have a nice mix of revolving charges and installment charges," says Dee E. Hoffman, executive director of the National Credit Restoration Alliance in Conroe, Texas.

"The point is most people with great credit scores probably have two credit cards from well-known, well-respected banks, a house payment, maybe a boat payment, and they keep those balances below 15 percent [of available credit] every month."

About 10 percent of your credit score is calculated based on the types of credit you use (i.e., credit cards, mortgages, installment loans and retail accounts), according to

Another 10 percent is based on new credit accounts — which can include credit lines established after your bankruptcy. However, exercise caution when opening too many new accounts at once because you could potentially lower your credit score by lowering the average age of your credit accounts.

Post-bankruptcy consumers may want to avoid retail accounts because they usually have low credit limits and can get the cardholder into high utilization ratios very quickly, according to Hoffman.

"Unless that's the only card you can get, I would advise not getting it unless you can go in there and charge a cheap item and pay it off each month," he says.

Snyder believes retail cards may be useful.

"I've always pooh-poohed retail credit because it's a small part of the credit mix and the interest rates are high, but it's important to have the right mix for your scores," says Snyder.

Once your financial house is in order and your credit score goes up, you could qualify for an FHA loan. Generally, it takes about two years after a bankruptcy discharge to qualify for an FHA loan.

"It's a great time to mortgage a home because FHA limits are the highest they've ever been and government is certainly the way to go for a more recent [bankruptcy] filer," Snyder says.

Although the FHA program does not officially use credit scores to qualify a loan, individual lenders may.

"Most of the lenders now require at least a 580 score to get an FHA mortgage and some go down as far as 550," he says.

7. Be wary of credit-repair services

Some credit-repair and credit "doctor" companies make grandiose claims that they can clean the slate and repair your credit file, often for a substantial fee.

However, many of these organizations turn out to be scams that will take your money and leave you with a still-damaged credit file, according to the Federal Trade Commission.

Some of these companies claim they can remove negative information from your credit file. This is untrue if the information is accurate. Only time will cause those entries to drop off your credit reports.

"I think a lot of them are actually aligned with the creditors, and they will work with you as long as you are paying," says Hoffman. "But the moment you are in distress, you'll find they have the same face as the creditors."


A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Win at the credit scoring game

To get the best deal on a loan, you need some new strategies to bump up your score - and keep it there.

(Money Magazine) -- Borrowing money today requires impressing an increasingly hard-to-please crowd. With creditors of all kinds more cautious than ever, you need an A+ application to land the best terms -- and that means an A+ credit score, the number lenders use to judge your risk of default.

The most commonly used credit scoring system, called FICO, rates people from a very risky 300 to a pristine 850. And right now we're in the middle of a credit score crunch: "You need a 750 or better today to have the same treatment you got with a 700 two years ago," says John Ulzheimer, president of consumer education at

John D'Onofrio, CEO of, seconds that: "Two years ago a 680 was enough to get a great car loan rate. Today it's often the minimum to qualify at all."

Think you're still in the clear? Don't be so sure. Lenders have been making changes that could cause your score to slip from excellent to average. Improve and protect your number with these strategies:

Learn your score. You have three FICO scores, based on your credit reports at the three credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. The numbers tend to be in the same ballpark, so pony up $16 to get one representative score at You can get an estimate free at But the FICO score gives you a better sense of what lenders see.

Scout for mistakes. Your scores are only as good as the information they're based on. And a third of people who've pulled their reports have found errors, according to a Zogby poll. That's good reason to read your report.

When you buy your FICO score, you'll get a copy of the report it was based on. Get gratis histories from the other bureaus via (you're entitled to one free from each bureau every 12 months).

Spot an error? Request a correction, following the instructions on the bureau's website. Let's say the size of a credit line was misstated or an account was mistakenly marked delinquent. Getting the error fixed could raise your score as much as 200 points, says Ulzheimer, who has also worked for Equifax and FICO.

Never, ever be late. As you'll see in the pie chart on the right, the biggest chunk of your credit score comes from your payment history. Just one late payment can shave 100 points off a 750-plus credit score, says Ulzheimer. Lenders can't tattle on you to the bureaus until you're 30 days past due, adds credit expert Gerri Detweiler. But don't risk it. For all your bills, enter recurring due-date reminders on your computer calendar.

Missed a payment? Get back on track within the next 30 days, and you should "get back the lion's share" of points lost, Ulzheimer says. More than 90 days late? The damage can stick for years. If it was a one-off lapse, call your issuer and plea for a good-will adjustment to your credit report. (It's a long shot.)

Remember the magic 20%. The second-biggest factor in your score is how much you owe vs. how much credit has been extended to you. The part of this that's easiest to finesse is your credit card utilization rate, or your total card balances compared with your total credit limits, as well as each card's balance relative to its limit.

Example: If you've charged $5,000 on cards and have $50,000 in credit, your rate is 10%. For the best score today, 10% is ideal, but you can probably creep up to 20% and keep a high rating.

Unfortunately, with banks lowering credit limits and canceling unused cards, it's harder to maintain such a low percentage. In the previous example, if your available credit is cut to $20,000, your rate shoots to 25%. That could sink your score by as much as 50 points, says Ulzheimer. The lesson: Know your limits, watch for changes, and stay under 20% on each card and in total (0% if you'll be applying for a loan soon).

Already above 20%? Paying down debt is the obvious way to lower your utilization rate, but another strategy is to apply for an additional credit card to increase your overall credit limit. That may cause you to lose a few points in the short term -- so don't do it if you're about to apply for a mortgage -- but it should pay off in the long run.

Keep oldest cards in play. As noted, credit issuers these days are eagerly canceling cards that are not in use. Besides reducing your limit and increasing your utilization ratio, having an account closed can hurt you in another way, especially if it's among your older ones.

See, 15% of your score rides on the length of your credit history. The longer you ably manage revolving debt, the better you look. So don't cancel your oldest cards. And don't let them get canceled on you: Move a recurring charge to each so they stay active.

To get the best deal on a loan, you need some new strategies to bump up your score - and keep it there.

Already ditched or been ditched? A new card (see previous) can help with your utilization rate, but there's little you can do to help the "history" component of your score, except to keep other old accounts in use.

Accept fate on the rest. There are other factors involved in your score, but they're not so easy to manipulate. For example, 10% is based on how well you manage a mix of credit types, such as mortgages, car loans, and credit cards. But you don't want to go out and, say, finance a car just for a score boost; besides, you can easily get 750-plus with just a few well-tended credit cards.

Along the same lines, 10% is based on "new credit," but the effects of a new application can be positive or negative, depending on your history.

In other words, if you want to be among the crème de la credit crème, accept what you can't change, and focus on what you can.


A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Second Chance Auto Loans - Car financing for people with very bad credit

Get a FREE Auto Loan Quote Online

Thinking of buying a car but your bad credit holds you back from securing especially when you think of financing it. The reasons for having poor credit can be numerous like past bankruptcy or simply default payment on either credit cards or loans. Of course obtaining a new car or used auto loan with bad credit is not as easy as securing it with good credit score.

Fortunately, now there are ways to increase the chances of not only obtaining car loan, but with affordable rates. Thus for people with poor credit, following the below mentioned strategies can help them assuring car loan approval at lower interest rates while giving them a second chance to improve credit rating for securing finance in future.

Apply Online for Bad Credit Auto Loans

>> Increasing the size of your down payment can help you gain approval on your car loan with any credit situation as it provide greater equity or security to the lender. Thus the lender is quite assured as half of the payment is made and offer you quick approval. Down payments also help you to reduce the interest rate as the lender is secured with the amount which ultimately reduces your monthly payments and chances of being upside down on car as the principle amount is reduced.

>> Pre approved car financing for bad credit gives you negotiating power against the dealer to get lower price on car purchase. As you are pre qualified, it helps you to know exactly how much money you can afford to spend while buying a car, which enables you to be within the budget and allows to focus on getting the best car without worrying about financing.

>> Applying with a co-signor is an excellent way of getting approved for a car loan with bad credit, zero credit or even with a past bankruptcy. As a co-signer also known as co-debtor is held responsible for the loan if the primary borrower fails to repay and the car’s value is not enough to cover the lender’s financial losses. This reduces the risk of a lender and he can be assured of his payments. So, the lenders take into account a co-signer’s credit score & history and grant you loan only if he qualify. In brief, applying for a car loan with co-signer having good credit history can offer you a guaranteed approval with better terms.

>> Most banks and finance institutes only lend to people with prime or good Credit. If you have poor credit, bad credit, or very bad credit score, financing your automobile through sub prime lender can be the best source. The probability of approval for finance through sub prime auto lender is high as they specializes in offering car financing for people with bad credit. They can offer you much more flexibility in terms and rates compare to the market and reduce inquiries on your credit report. Hence, before buying a car with bad credit you should first check your credit score and if it is poor or horrible then find a sub-prime lender.

>> Bad credit borrowers can opt for a car loan in two forms, one is secured and another is unsecured. Through the secured form of bad credit car loan, the borrower can pledge his any asset like home, boat and even his current car with the lender. This offers security to the lender about the repayment of the loan amount and thus you can have the benefit of borrowing as much as you want to the value of the collateral, lower rate of interest and instant approval.

>> Many lenders now offer a great platform through no credit check car loans for the car buyers with poor financial background to get their dream car. As no credit check vehicle loan is provided on the basis of an individual’s income and employment history. So a person with significant income and employment history can obtain finance regardless of the credit issues.

>> Now the borrowers can find affordable deals online as per their requirements by surfing for bad credit car loan online. Whereby, they can compare the loan quotes sent in by the lenders and without roaming around the market. All you need to do it to fill in a online car loan application form and wait for the approval, usually you can expect a response within one or two business days. A significant advantage of applying online is that you can fill from the comfort of your home while saving your time, money and without any hassle.

Apply Online for Bad Credit Auto Loans

A bad credit history for borrowers is an unpleasant obstacle while financing their vehicle. The reasons of poor credit may be numerous like past bankruptcy, repossessions or defaults. Hence for credit challenged people, Auto financing may seem as an impossible task. Yet, poor credit history can not stop any borrower to buy their dream automobile with If you are tired of applications denials, let us help you to get guaranteed approval with bad credit auto loans. We can qualify your automotive finance either for your new or used automotive from dealer or private party, hassles free and at lowest possible rates regardless of your credit history.

Our bad credit auto loan is special designed for the people having less than perfect credit score, which enables them to get their vehicle at affordable rates while establishing their credit. These loans also gives a second chance to people who already own vehicle and are stuck up with higher monthly payments by the way of bad credit refinancing. It a belief that low interest rates and bad credit cannot go hand in hand. And another is no cosigner and bad credit. However, we can help you to disprove this belief through our no cosigner bad credit car loans, where you can get bad credit automobile loans without co-signer.

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A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

9 Ways to Salvage an Ailing Credit Score

Today's mortgage costs are dirt cheap—if you've got the right FICO rating

Without even contacting a credit bureau, Jeana Reed has a pretty good sense of what her credit score is. "It's probably the worst they've ever seen," says Reed, a 51-year-old Texan. Like many Americans, Reed's current credit headaches can be traced to a hospital stay. After her husband blew out his knee playing softball, complications from the injury kept him out of work longer than expected, which forced the couple to use credit cards to pay off medical bills. A job loss and a subprime mortgage refinancing later, the Reeds find themselves among the scores of Americans struggling to rebuild a soiled credit history. "I just want to get back on track," Reed says. "I'm not a deadbeat person."

Poor credit has always been a drag on household finances, as unpaid bills and late payments can lower a consumer's FICO score—the 300-to-850-point gauge lenders use to evaluate the risk that a borrower will default. Lower FICO scores can trigger higher interest rates on everything from credit cards to car loans. But recently, they've become more important to the real estate market. Just a few years ago, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac used FICO scores primarily in deciding whether to approve a loan application. "That all changed as the market started to deteriorate and [Fannie and Freddie] were looking to fine-tune their mortgage pricing from a risk-based perspective," says Rick Allen, director of strategic initiatives for Mortgage Marvel, an online mortgage shopping website. Today, the mortgage finance giants use credit scores to determine mortgage costs too, jacking up fees on consumers with lower credit scores to compensate for their higher risk of default.

For would-be home buyers, this change has had powerful ramifications. With home prices declining and 30-year, fixed mortgage rates hitting near-record lows of less than 5 percent, the real estate market is offering plenty of incentives to jump in. But only borrowers who meet today's tighter credit standards—which include a FICO score of around 720, a down payment of at least 3.5 percent, and documented income verification—can get the lowest cost of financing. For example, a lender operating under Fannie Mae's pricing structure would charge a borrower who has a FICO score of 695 and a 15 percent down payment $3,000 in extra fees on a $300,000 mortgage. A borrower with a 720 FICO score, meanwhile, wouldn't pay any of those fees on the same loan. "FICOs are everything," says Chris Freemott, president of mortgage lender All American Mortgage in Naperville, Ill.

But whether you are deep in the weeds or just looking to get the best deal on a home loan, it's never too late to improve your credit. To help consumers reduce their mortgage financing costs, U.S. News gleaned tips from a handful of experts on boosting your credit score.

1. Get your credit report: The first step for improving your credit profile is to find out where your credit currently stands. Three main credit reporting bureaus—TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian—collect and compile payment information on individuals from tens of thousands of credit grantors, such as banks, credit card issuers, and retailers. "If you are about to buy a house ... then I want you to get all three credit reports," says Gail Cunningham of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. "I never want to end up sitting across the desk from someone who knows more about me than I do." By law, consumers are entitled to one free credit report from each of these bureaus during any 12-month period. The free reports are available at

2. Get your FICO score: The FICO company created the formula that credit bureaus use to generate a FICO score. Every consumer's FICO scores are calculated from data from each of the three main credit bureaus. The scores take into account your payment history, the amounts you owe, your length of credit history, your new credit, and the types of credit you have used, says Shon Dellinger, vice president of for FICO. After getting your credit reports, Cunningham recommends obtaining your credit scores. A single FICO score can be purchased at for about $16. (FICO scores from Experian are no longer available through Instead, Experian scores can be obtained through or

3. Study and check: Everyone—including the major credit bureaus—makes mistakes. But when it comes to credit scores, it's the consumer who pays for such screw-ups through higher interest rates. As a result, consumers need to ensure that everything included in their credit history is accurate by thoroughly examining their credit reports. "If you are a junior and your father is a senior who's got rotten credit habits, make sure that your report is distinguished from his," Cunningham says. Since a mistake may appear on one credit report but not another, it's best to examine all three of your reports. If you discover any incorrect material, contact the appropriate credit bureau for information about filing a dispute.

4. Pay up, then ask forgiveness: In addition to correcting inaccuracies, it's important to take care of all unpaid bills that show up on a credit report. (Keep in mind, however, that paying off a collection account doesn't remove the stain altogether—it will remain on your credit report for seven years.) But if, for example, you find that you've inadvertently missed a payment on a credit card that you've paid on time for years, it's worth calling the company to see if you can work something out, says Keith Gumbinger of financial publisher HSH Associates. "If it's a hiccup in a long pattern of good payments, you might be able to have them clear that up," he says.

5. Good habits: Correcting mistakes and paying off old bills are important steps toward cleaning up past blemishes, but in order to build a strong credit profile, consumers will have to develop healthy credit habits going forward. After all, the best way to boost your credit score is to pay your bills on time each month. "Credit scoring is pretty complex, but what you need to do as an individual isn't very complicated to get the scores you need," says Rod Griffin, director of public education for Experian. "No matter what scoring system you look at, the thing that will most affect scores negatively is being late on your payments. So pay your bills on time." If something comes up to force you to be late on a payment, contact the creditor beforehand, alert them to the problem, and see if they might be willing to work out an arrangement.

6. Low balances: Credit scoring systems also look closely at consumers' so-called utilization rates, which compare outstanding balances to total available credit, Griffin says. "The lower your balances are as compared to your limits, the better ... because it shows that you aren't overusing the credit you have available," he says. "It also shows that you make cautious and wise decisions with regard to how you use your credit." So paying down balances on credit cards can improve your FICO score.

7. Get credit only as needed: Having credit cards can help raise your credit score, as long as they are paid on time. But it's important not to go overboard. Opening a slew of new credit lines at once can drag down your credit score, says Dellinger: "The classic example there is opening a whole bunch of store cards." So make sure that you open new credit lines only when necessary.

8. Ditch the doctors: There are plenty of outfits that promise to restore your credit to tiptop condition—for a fee. But Cunningham warns against turning to these "credit doctors." "Anybody who says they can clean up your credit report cannot do one thing that you cannot do for yourself," she says. "We have people come to us all the time that have spent hundreds of dollars and end up very disappointed." Consumers seeking specific advice on rebuilding their credit can locate a certified credit counselor in their area by contacting the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, Cunningham says.

9. Credit Counseling: When a consumer with troubled credit arrives at one of the NFCC's nearly 850 locations across the country, a trained credit counselor will review the person's recent pay stubs, bills, and collection letters before explaining how to "priority pay" monthly obligations: paying off living expenses first, then secured debt—such as a car payment—and then using whatever cash is left over to service the remaining debt. The counselor may determine that a debt management program is the best option to help the consumer get back on track. "And that is where the debt counselor negotiates with the creditor for a lower monthly payment, lower interest, stops late fees, and stops over-limit fees with the goal being that the consumer can continue to service his living expenses in full, while still addressing debt reduction," Cunningham says.


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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Legitimately improving your credit score solo

In this economy more businesses are offering ways to improve your credit score, but are they just a waste of your money?
Payment history, and how much you owe creditors represents 65% of how your credit score is determined. And while paying a local agency to fix your problem may seem like a quick solution, one local couple is out hundreds of dollars and still in the credit hole.
Since 2002, the Moore’s of Kinston have faced credit problem after credit problem—chapter 13 bankruptcy—unpaid medical bills—-and past due loan payments.
So they gave a local credit correction agency $1200 to pull their credit score up—it didn’t work.
Rich Hutson, vice president of State Employees’ Credit Union in Greenville says the Moore’s should have kept their $1200 and invested time getting their hands on their credit report.
The Moore’s credit report is long. Hutson says they should go through it, page after page, find the items they believe are inaccurate and dispute it in writing, “You have to provide the proof that the bill is unjust and that they’re reporting it incorrectly.“
The consumer reporting agencies Equifax, Experian and Trans Union must investigate each item in question within 30 days. But Hutson warns, things like bankruptcies will stay on that report for a decade no matter what, so don’t be fooled by companies that advertise they can remove it.
Hutson adds, “They can’t erase any of that information…It’s going to save you a lot of money in the long run by making sure you’re paying everything on time and you credit score will reflect that.“
Hutson says if your credit score is below 620 you’re in trouble. Even if you have an average score of around 640—you should still review your credit report regularly. Identity thieves could be charging items on your credit without your knowledge. A 90-day late fee could stay on your credit report for 7-years.


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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Five Points to Fixing Your Credit

A couple of months ago a friend was telling me about some financial difficulty with their business and remarked how fortunate they were to have their credit line on their home available for backup. I advised them to check with their bank to make sure their credit line was still available. Unfortunately, I was correct because their credit line had been closed without their knowledge.

Another client called to ask about buying a home and when I asked about their credit history they said they were trying to pay down some credit cards only to find that once the amount due was paid the bank reduced their limit.

The first basic in credit scoring is to understand what the numbers mean. FICO or the Fair Isaac Corporation is the company that for the past 53 years has offered a measurable number by which creditors can determine your credit worthiness. Credit scores range between 200 and 800. Scores above 720 are considered desirable for obtaining a mortgage. They have determined five main factors will affect your score…things you ultimately have control over.

1. Your payment history. Whether you paid credit card obligations on time.

2. How much you owe. Owing a great deal of money on numerous accounts can indicate that you are overextended.

3. The length of your credit history. In general, the longer the better.

4. How much new credit you have. New credit, either installment payments or new credit cards, are considered more risky, even if you pay promptly.

5. The types of credit you use. Generally, it’s desirable to have more than one type of credit—installment loans, credit cards, and a mortgage, for example.

There are some variations on the theme but the basics itemize your scores and more importantly indicate how you can improve your scores, which in turn, improves your life.

I spoke with Linda Ferrari who has a FREE ebooklet called: “Save Your Credit, Save Your Life” which is a 10 step action plan to help clean up your credit. She offers great advise starting out with only ordering your credit report when you visit the various agency websites. Apparently even the credit agencies are trying to sell additional services that you may not need. Another point she makes is that everyone is entitled to one FREE credit report each year and to be sure you order only from …all other sites offer paid services so don’t be fooled.

Another option is to pay a credit repair company to “scrub” your credit. Typically this is done once you have a complete copy of your credit report from the three main agencies: Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. Thoroughly examine your report, line by line, and be ready to prove any incorrect information. Once you challenge any information they are required by law to look into and correct anything false. If you find you are having trouble this is where a credit repair service can come in handy.

First time buyers need to understand that they didn’t get into their situation overnight and it might take just as long to correct the situation so don’t despair. There is gold in those hills and it’s in the form of tax credits BUT they are due to expire Nov 30th 2009 so NOW is crunch time. Making the effort to improve your credit will pay big dividends and could ultimately result in home ownership…don’t let this market pass you by.


A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Five keys to a winning credit score

We all know paying on time is important. But there are other, less obvious best practices.

Of all the numbers attached to you -- Social Security, cellphone, your lucky one -- few are as important as your credit score. A credit score is a numeric summary of your credit history, ranging from 300 to 850, and it gives lenders an idea of whether or not you're a good credit risk.

If your score is 750 or above, the world is your oyster, purchased with a platinum card.

But try to get a loan with a score below 600, and the banks will be tighter with their money than your uncle's pants after Thanksgiving dinner.

And even if you do get the loan, it will not be at the best interest rates.

Five things make up a credit score: Payment history (35%), debt level (30%), length of credit history (15%), diversity of credit accounts (10%) and number of new attempts at getting credit (10%). The key to achieving and maintaining a good credit score is balancing all five.

John Ulzheimer, president of consumer education for, and Gail Cunningham, vice president for public relations at the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, can help you master the credit juggling act. They say:

Pay on time. Late payments are at the top of a slippery slope that leads to collections, judgments and repossessions -- the credit assassins.

Keep debt low. Just 10% of your credit limit is preferable. If that's not doable, shoot for 50% or less. This is especially important if your credit limits have been cut by card issuers, which can make your account look maxed out.

Be prudent. Don't take the bait for every card offer you get in the mail or for the discount dangled in front of you at a department store. The more attempts you make to get credit, the lower your score.

Keep tabs on your credit. A free report is available at Check for errors or omissions. Report any mistakes immediately. You can buy access to your score at various places, including .

Don't be hasty. Part of your credit history is showing how long you've been able to manage your credit responsibly, and closing an account shortens that.

Mix it up. Having a car loan, mortgage and credit cards show you can manage several types of credit at once.


A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Consumer Credit Card Debt Decreases in June

Credit Karma (, the consumer's advocate for demystifying credit, today released its U.S. Credit Score Climate Report with trend data for June 2009. During the March 2009 to June 2009 time period, Credit Karma saw an increase in credit scores across all geographies; however, for the third straight month the percent of credit scores rising has tapered off and more consumers are seeing their credit scores remain stable. 38% of consumer credit scores have gone up, 28% have gone down, and 34% remained the same. The current average U.S. consumer credit score is 674, which is the same as in May.

Among consumers with debt, the average consumer credit card debt decreased by $134. In June, the average consumer with debt had:

-- $6,938 in credit card debt
-- $206,427 in home mortgage loans
-- $54,370 in home equity loans
-- $14,539 in auto loans
-- $27,201 in student loans

Here are some other key findings:

-- More consumers continue to see their credit scores remain stable.
Nationally, 34% of consumers saw their credit score stay the same in June,
compared to 32% in May. In addition, 28% saw their credit score decrease
in June which is slightly lower than in May. In May, 29% of credit scores
decreased, which is the same percentage as April. In May, 39% of consumers
saw their credit scores increase. In April, the increasing percentage was

-- The South region had the highest percentage of increasing credit
scores, ending the Midwest's four month run at the top. In June, 39% of
consumers in the South saw their credit scores increase; 28% of credit
scores decreased; and 33% of credit scores stayed the same.

-- In terms of overall debt, Midwest consumers continue to have the
lowest amount of debt. On average Midwest consumers have $6,500 in credit
card debt, $156,100 in home mortgage loans, $13,400 in auto loans, and
$26,400 in student loans.

-- Michigan saw the highest percentage of increasing credit scores during
June. 41% of Michigan consumers had their credit score increase; 27% of
credit scores decreased; and 32% stayed the same.

-- Texas saw the highest percentage of decreasing credit scores in June.
39% of Texas consumers' credit scores increased; 29% of credit scores
decreased; and 32% stayed the same.


Each month, the Credit Karma U.S. Consumer Credit Score Climate Report compares the current credit scores of its user base with previous scores pulled at least 30 days prior and no more than 90 days prior to the stated month. This month's report includes a comparison of more than 44,000 Credit Karma user scores.

About Credit Karma

Credit Karma, the consumer's advocate for demystifying credit, is the only Web site that provides consumers free access to their credit score, plus a range of tools and information resources to help them monitor and manage the credit aspect of their financial health. Credit Karma's goal is to help consumers easily digest the contents of their credit report and understand what makes up their credit score. Credit Karma works with a range of partners, including mortgage lenders, credit card providers, banks, and wireless providers. For more information, visit


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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Free Debt Help Tips To Reduce Credit Card Debt

Do you suffer from bad credit or debt? Don’t worry, as you are not alone, and there is debt advice available. There are thousands of people just like you who are stuck with high debt and bad credit with no way to remedy it. They have found themselves in such an unfortunate financial state in which they cannot pay off the money they owe, thus negatively affecting their credit. Several are requesting their credit reports only to find several defaults.

Don’t despair! There is a solution, and a bit of free debt help to get your credit and you back on track. You have the ability to pay off your bills and fix that nasty fico score. You can finally have credit to be proud of! It will indeed take a little careful planning but a debt consolidation is definitely the answer. Here are some tips to follow to help you on your journey to a better credit score and reduced debt:

- The absolute first thing you must do is to get a thorough report of your current bad fico score. For the best results, you should use well known financial bureaus instead of the scam offers you often find online. Make sure to check the report in-depth to make sure that everything listed is accurate and that nothing is missing from your history. Occasionally errors are made, usually because an error in the entry of the data, that can cause the information to be incorrect. Compare and contrast the items against your own private records as well as those of your financial institution.

- The next thing you should do is immediately contact your mortgage company if you found any errors in your fico score report. Your analysis of your credit report and the correcting of any errors is extremely vital. These tasks must be accomplished before you move on to debt consolidation, or paid credit debt help and repairing your credit score.

- Once your credit report is completely correct, you must go for a debt consolidation. If for any reason an account or two cannot be consolidated, you must pay off the debt for that account. It is recommended that you talk to the company to which the money is owed and see if you can get the debt lowered by coming to an agreement with them. By doing so, your liabilities will be taken care of as well.

- There are many grants that the government offers, free of charge, which you can use to aid in your journey. These grants never have to be paid back. These grants are only given to people who are experiencing extreme financial hardships to be used for paying off all existing debts listed on ones fico credit score report. Another option is applying for federal government loans in addition to or instead of the grants.


A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Loophole in credit card protection bill forces consumers to pay

LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) - The new Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act, signed into law back in May, is designed to protect consumers from unfair jumps in interest rates and credit card fees.

"It's really to protect consumers and avoid abusive practices by credit card companies," said Mary Jackey, community outreach director with Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Greater Louisville.

However, the act does not kick in until February 2010, leaving rates and fees hikes fair game until then. "We've seen creditors increasing minimum payments going from 2%, maybe be a minimum payment going as high as 4% or 5%, which is in this economy is really tough for most people. It almost doubles their minimum payment," said Jackey.

Beginning in February, creditors cannot arbitrarily increase rates. In fact, cardholders will have to be given 45 days notice of a rate, fee or finance charge hike. Until then, increases are unrestricted.

"We've had a lot of clients come in and tell us they tried contacting the creditors before they came to us and a lot of the creditors said I'm sorry there is nothing we can do," said Jackey.

Jackey says if you do reach out to your creditors, a move counselors usually recommend, be extra careful. "Because we what we're seeing right now is those credit card companies would much rather keep that client then lose them to a bankruptcy. What we're seeing is that they are offering debt settlement a lot more frequently then they had in the past."

Jackey also says watch out for balance transfer promotions with interest rates that usually shoot up after several months or leave you able to transfer only some of your balance onto a new card. "They may end up with a new additional line of credit in addition to the old line of credit and it dings their credit score cause then they have a credit inquiry on their report and that can drop their credit scoring quite a bit."

According to Jackey, your best bet right now is to very carefully go over your monthly credit card statements and look at your fees and interest rates. If you see a spike and are concerned about meeting the new payments, contact a credit counselor. It is a free service and could make all the difference in your financial well-being.


A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Unused credit cards - is it time to close them down?

Over 16 million people have unused credit cards. Many keep them as a financial safety net but they could have a negative impact on your credit rating and make you more vulnerable to credit card fraud.

Credit ratingAccording to research from, whilst some consumers cut up unused credit cards or simply stop using them, many don’t actually close the credit card accounts.

Keeping these credit accounts open though could negatively impact on your credit rating - used by credit providers to determine whether or not to grant credit.

You might like to check your FREE credit report - it will show exactly what credit accounts you have and you can easily identify any you no longer use or spot if there are any mistakes on the information held.

You are less likely to get new credit if a credit provider assesses your credit score as low, and this could be at least partly driven by a belief that you already have too much credit available, contributed to by unused credit card accounts, and your ability to repay debt on time.

As well as a negative impact on your credit rating, keeping unused credit cards could more readily expose you to fraud.

Fraudsters often try and intercept new credit cards sent through the post.

If these are for dormant accounts, the cards could well be being sent to old addresses and it could be some time before you identify your card has been used by the fraudsters.

Louise Bond, personal finance expert at, said ‘Overall it seems people are bombarded with conflicting opinions as to whether or not they should close credit card accounts that they no longer use.

In times of such financial turbulence, it’s hardly surprising that people don’t want to let go of what they consider to be a financial lifeline.

There are several issues to consider as credit checks are influenced by the amount of credit available to spend. So in effect, this lifeline could become a financial bottle neck to the next best deal.’

If you do apply for a new credit card but are rejected, don’t just keep applying and hope that you will get accepted. Your credit rating will be negatively impacted for each failed application.

Before reapplying, check your credit report, and see if there’s anything you can do to improve it - you may find our article ‘Your credit rating - how to improve it‘ helpful.


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Thursday, July 23, 2009

How being an authorized user can hurt your credit score

Dear Credit Guy,
How does being an authorized user on an account affect your credit rating? I am listed as an authorized user on two of my mother's accounts that have about a 99 percent credit-available to credit-used ratio. Does this negatively affect my credit and how significantly? -- B.C.

Answer for the expert:
Dear B.C.,
It has been a practice for quite some time for persons who wanted to establish credit or improve their credit to be added as an authorized user on a relative's credit card. The account is considered just the same for credit scoring as if it were owned by the authorized user. The authorized user benefits from the good credit history provided by the owner of the account. However, it can also have a downside. If the owner of the account did not pay the account as agreed and on time, the negative actions would also affect the authorized user.

Several years ago, some enterprising people decided that adding authorized users to an account was a way to make money. They charged a fee to persons with no familial or other connection between each other to be added as authorized users to the account of a person with good credit. The account could not be used by the authorized user; the only purpose of being added was to raise the authorized user's credit score. Known as piggybacking, the industry blossomed overnight. As a result, the credit scoring folks at FICO decided that piggybacking in this way was not acceptable and proposed leaving authorized users out of credit scoring models.

However, after many protests and the realization that 50 million legitimate authorized users would be affected, the good folks at FICO came up with a formula to keep genuine authorized user accounts as part of the scoring process. Simply put, the account is legitimate as an authorized user when a person receives a credit card for their use on someone else's account. Just to note, the VantageScore has never considered authorized users as part of its credit scoring formula.

So, the answer to your question is yes, those accounts of your mother's on which you are an authorized user will affect your credit. In the FICO scoring model, 30 percent of your score is based on the amount you owe. One component of the amount-owed calculation is the amount of credit used compared to the credit limit on revolving accounts (credit cards), which is called the credit utilization ratio. How much the two accounts of your mother's affect your score depends on how many other accounts you have, whether they are in good standing and how long you've had any other accounts.

If you don't use the accounts and don't believe you need them for your credit history, just ask that your mother to remove you as an authorized user. She can do so with a phone call to her card issuer. I would recommend that you check your credit reports several weeks after the request to assure that they have been removed. If they still appear on your reports you can dispute the listing as "not mine" and see if that will get them off. You can receive a free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus once a year at

Take care of your credit!


A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Five steps to measuring your financial IQ

Most people work hard to be responsible with their money, but sometimes might wonder if you are "doing it right." Others are seeking new ways to make the most of their income and minimize expenses. And still others try, but might have a sneaking suspicion that they are making some major mistakes.

To check if your personal finances are on track, ask yourself about these five areas of money management:

1) Credit: Credit is an important part of financial management because it affects whether you are able to get loans for a home, a car or an education, and the interest rate you will pay for any money you borrow. A copy of your credit report is available at no charge once a year at or by calling 877-322-8228. Review the report carefully to check if the report is accurate. To improve a score, and maintain a good one, always pay bills on time. Also, be aware of credit utilization, an important term in credit score determination. If you have a credit card with a limit of $10,000 and you owe $3,500 on it, your credit utilization is 35 percent. Anything over 35 percent is considered high and can impact credit scores. Over 50 percent will have a definite negative impact on a credit score, and a maxed-out card will verynegatively impact the score. And, work hard to pay credit card bills in full every month; in other words, do not purchase what you cannot afford.

2) Debt: Debt is not like childhood monsters under the bed -- if you close your eyes, it does not go away. It is important to know how much you owe, know how much you are paying for debt in fees and interest or finance charges, and have a plan to repay debts. Keep track of bills so that you will notice if a bill does not arrive, and mark due dates on the calendar so you can plan to have money available and pay on time.

3) Budget: For financial health, it is very important to plan how to spend your money. Whatever budgeting tool you use, it is important to know what you earn and what your expenses are so that you can spend less than you earn. Also, keeping a budget can help you anticipate expenses and save for them. With a savings plan, a higher-than-expected bill will not result in a crisis or a rush to the credit cards. Budgeting need not be complicated, either. While plenty of software and online guides (some free) are available, simple pencil and paper can work just as well.

4) Wealth: Wealth is ultimately not about seeming rich or accumulating flashy purchases, but about preparing for the future and building a safety net. Do you own a home, or are you on the road to home ownership? Are you planning for retirement? Are you covered with appropriate insurance? By looking ahead and planning accordingly, anyone can build his or her wealth.

5) Life plan: Another important part of financial smarts is matching your resources to your goals. Having an established career path helps anticipate both income from future work and costs, such as returning to school. Knowing what expenses are on the way will help you plan for major life events such as marriage, a child's education or retirement.


A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as a free credit score

A free lunch may be hard to find these days, but a free credit score is not. You don’t have to subscribe to a “credit monitoring service.” You don’t have to sign up for a “free trial” by giving out your credit card number. You do not have to remember to cancel out of said “free service” on day 29 so you aren’t charged. And you don’t even have to give out your social security number if you don’t want to (if you use Quizzle, note that CreditKarma will need it).

Quizzle, a service of Quicken Loans, gives you not only your Experian credit score, but your full printable Experian credit report (mine is 17 pages long!), but also your house’s current value if you are a homeowner (good), an analysis of your saving habits called the “Rainy Day Fund” (good), a budget report (not so useful for me), and a mortgage calculator (again, of limited use to me). There are financial quizzes and calculators – the usual stuff. And, I repeat: you do not have to enter your social security number. You do have to fill out two short online forms. You get a free updated score/report every six months - no strings attached. If you don’t want to hear from again about rates, your credit score, or their newsletter in the future, be sure to unsubscribe under “Alerts.”

CreditKarma, which was started by a former financial services marketing professional from San Francisco, and is still in beta, looks to be a keeper. Tagged as a “pro-consumer” site, I see nothing to dispute that claim: they believe that free access to credit information is a right. Well, right on! CreditKarma gives you your TransUnion TransRisk credit score when you join. The site is secure, and I could not find any negative press or problems with identity theft or security. They use the same encryption and security precautions as leading financial institutions - TrustE, McAfee Secure, Verisign - and they even use Hackersafe. They are also registered with the Better Business Bureau. Here is what they say in their FAQ if you are nervous about entering your social security number: “In order to retrieve your first credit score, we must use your social security number. We only use your SSN for this first score retrieval, and we do not store it in our database. After this one-time use, we will not need your SSN again and it will not be stored on any of our systems.” When you get your score, you are given a soft-sell from various partners (I got offers for Discover Card and Virgin mortgage – no thanks!) but the credit dashboard is quite useful. You can see your score over time, and they have a very nifty realtime simulator that helps you understand the impact of various actions on your credit score. The site is still in beta, but the only issues I saw were cosmetic (the simulator had a a re-draw issue, no biggie).

Overall, the experiences using both services was easy and helpful. Both services claim to do a "soft pull" on your credit and it should not negatively affect your score. Remember, your Experian/TransUnion scores are not the same as your FICO score. They use different algorithms. One thing to mention: my TransUnion TransRisk score was lower than my Experian score by 38 points, but I’ve heard this is common. Other than that, I’m very happy with both free services. Take your pick!


A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The new system will give every New Zealander on its books a credit score on a scale ranging from minus 330 to plus 1000. Photo / Christchurch Star

People will have free access to the credit scores being allocated to them by credit reporting agency Veda Advantage.

Veda has caused a stir by announcing that from next month every New Zealander on its books will have a credit score from minus 330 through to plus 1000.

A person with a score of less than 100 will have difficulty obtaining credit, 500 to 600 will be average, and anyone with a score of 700 and above will be considered a good credit risk.

The information will be based on their existing credit profiles, and under the law anyone can ask for a free copy of their file annually. From August 2 this will include the new scores.

John Roberts, Veda's New Zealand and international managing director, emphasised the only new factor built into the scoring system was an automatic driver's licence check to help counter rising levels of identity fraud.

But he said the system had been set up in anticipation of a move to what is known as positive or comprehensive credit reporting, whereby fuller details of a person's financial circumstances can be accessed by potential creditors.

At the moment only "negative" information is available, such as whether the person has ever defaulted on bill payments or been bankrupted.

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner is conducting a review into whether this country should move to positive reporting.

New Zealand and Australia are two of the few countries worldwide to retain a negative system.

Mr Roberts said negative reporting was an "archaic" system that penalised people if they had made the odd mistake. "What we're trying to do is drag [the system] kicking and screaming into the 21st century."

The national president of the Credit and Finance Institute, David Young, said the credit market had taken a battering of late and anything that gave people confidence to extend credit was a good thing.

He said that whereas large organisations had their own credit-scoring systems, small business operators did not necessarily have the skills to make an accurate assessment of someone's creditworthiness based on the raw data. "What they're getting here is a tool that will enable them to do that assessment."

For example, he had recently looked at a credit report where the person had five district court judgments against them, had defaulted 25 times and had applied for credit 32 times in the past two years. "There's a whole raft of information that I can interpret out of that quickly and decisively."

But John Scott, New Zealand head of rival reporting agency Dun & Bradstreet, said he did not see the commercial advantage of a consumer credit score.

Few small businesses extended credit directly to consumers.

He said what was more important was the quality of the data being fed into any credit reporting model.

Dun & Bradstreet supported an initial limited move to positive reporting, allowing information such as whether previous applications for credit had been approved, who the lender was and the extent of the credit.

Overseas credit reports contained details about a person's income, the size of their mortgages and credit card balances, but New Zealanders were "not ready to go all that way".

"No other other country apart from Colombia has moved from a negative to a full positive file."

Consumer magazine editor-in-chief David Naulls said the Consumers Institute did not have a problem with the new scoring system because it was based on existing information.

It cautiously supported a move to positive credit reporting because it could potentially bring costs down as financial institutions were able to make better lending decisions.

It might also aid those without much of a credit history. "Groups who haven't always accessed credit might find it easier in a positive system."


A very interesting article related to Free Credit Report and Score in Canada. For more updates regarding free credit report services, check credit online score, and business credit report, subscribe to Free Credit Report and Score Canada blog.